The Adventures of Gold
Gold was inside his shop, making magic wands like he always did on sunday afternoons.
However, it was not a Sunday afternoon. It was Friday morning. Normally, he would be in some important government meeting, but not today. Today he got the day off. But why did Gold make wands to sell at his shop during free time? Surely not money! He was the richest and most famous dragon in Great Britain! He did it purely for fun. Suddenly the doorbell rang.
“Come in!” yelled Gold. The door creaked open. Suddenly, a young cat burst through the
doorway so fast, he broke one of Gold’s Ming vases into a million pieces.
“Gold! You’ve got to hear this!” he said.
“But my Ming vase!” Said Gold.
“Come on!” Said the cat. “Your Ming vases come from Squeaky-E-Mart and cost ten cents! This is more important!”
“But…” said Gold.
“Listen to me!” said the cat. “The candy factory shut down!”
Gold froze in place. Even though he was middle aged, his longing for candy was stronger
than ever.
“Why did the owners shut it down?” said Gold.
“They didn’t.” said the cat. “The Vipers did”
“Who are the vipers?” said Gold.
“The vipers?” said the cat. “The Vipers are a famous gang of bulldogs. They have done worse and worse things over the past few years. yesterday they blew up a bridge.”
“But how do you know that the Vipers shut down the factory?” said Gold.
“I got a ransom note.” said the cat.
“May the King help us!” said Gold.
“I am the King.” said the cat.
“Oh. Right. Sorry.” said Gold. “Your hair style mislead me.”
“So how do we get them?” said the King.
“A crystal ball!” said Gold. He pulled an apple sized ball out of a cupboard.
“How does it work?” said the King.
“You say something into it and it takes you there!” said Gold.
“What makes it cloud up like that?” said the King.
“Cloudy apple juice.” said Gold. “The crystal ball only has one charge, so we have to use it wisely.”
“Go ahead.” said the King.
“Take us to the Vipers!” said Gold. Suddenly, in a whirlwind of colors, they got transported
to a dingy old room with four bulldogs huddled around a table.
“Hands up!” said Gold. A bulldog spun around.
“What do you want?” said the Bulldog.
“Fix the candy factory!” said gold.
“We never shut it down.” said the Bulldog. “The ransom note was a lie!”
The next day, Gold was helping the King put the Vipers in jail, as well as whining his head off.
“I wasted a crystal ball, a train ticket a boat ticket, lots of time, and most importantly my
ming vase, only to find that nothing happend at all!” said Gold.
“Not really.” said the King.
“What do you mean, ‘not really’?” said Gold. The King pulled a trophy out of his bag.
“As your King, I give you this award for helping me capture the most troublesome gang in Great Britain.” said the King.
The End!
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